Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 4, 2011

Questions and answers about visa to Vietnam (1)

Footprint is pleased to provide some our our frequently asked questions from our travelers regarding their tour to Vietnam:

Can I apply for a longer stay in Vietnam, more than one month?

Yes you normally can apply this if you are sure about your travel last for more than one month. You can also do it visa extension when you are travelling here, which is also easy to do.

Can I apply for a tourist visa when I’m aboard?

Check with the countries you are now in and call the embassy, it’s normally ok that you can do it oversea.

The simple way to do is to have a travel company in Vietnam do it for you a pre-approved letter of invitation, all you have to do is to book your flights and go.

More coming on our next post.

Footprint team.

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