Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 8, 2008

Hanoi - Sapa

Well we arrived in Bangkok after a turbulent flight via Abu Dhabi (the airport there looked like somethinig out of Doctor Who?!) We had a quick burger king before getting on our connecting flight to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. When we arrived, we got into a taxi which took us to our Hotel, only to be told that the hotel was full, even though we had a room reserved! So we were taken to another hotel to stay in which was not very nice, but did teh job (we had no window in our room)! We stayed in Hanoi for one night and booked a tour to Sapa, in the north.We got the night train to Sapa, which was very noisy (not as nice as trains in Thailand) We got to Sapa and checked into our hotel which is nice and over looks the mountains and villages of the region and was immediately on our first trek just after check in! This was only a couple of hours of the local village which was good. Today, we went on a marathon trek which involved Aimee sliding down a hill on her bum and me ruining my lovely adidas trainers in mud! Oh well!!! We had to walk along very narrow ledges with sheer drops to the right, very scary!! Thank god for the walking sticks we bought before the trek! We have been paired up with a spanish couple for our treks (from the same hotel in Hanoi) who are very nice and lively! Tomorrow we are going on another trek and getting the night train back to Hanoi. When we get back to Hanoi, we are going to Halong Bay for one night and then on to Hoi an in cantral Vietnam. Will update when we are here. Hope all is well in UK!

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