Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2011

Who can have visa exemption for Vietnam?

Footprint is pleased to offer the following information for travelers to Vietnam tour with the following visa exemption.

The Vietnamese people that hold foreign passports and foreigners who are their husbands, wives and children are exempt from visa requirements to enter Vietnam and are allowed to stay for not more than 90 days. In order to be granted visa exemption certificates at Vietnamese representative offices abroad, Vietnamese overseas need the following conditions;

- PRC - Foreign-issued Permanent Residence certificate with the validity of at least six months since the date of entrance.

- VEP - Visa Exemption Paper is granted by Vietnamese appropriate authorities.

For those who want stay more than 90 days must apply for visa according to current stipulations before their entrance.

Bilateral visa exemption:

- The citizens of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Laos holding valid ordinary passports are exempt from visa requirements and are allowed to stay for not more than 30 days; Philippines is allowed to stay for not more than 21 days.

- The citizens of China, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, and Rumania holding valid ordinary passports for official mission and citizens of 52 countries holding valid diplomatic or official passports are exempt from visa requirements. The duration of staying is stipulated in certain cases. For more information, please visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affaires.

Unilateral visa exemption:

- The visa with 30-day validity is exempted for officials from ASEAN countries secretariat holding different kinds of passports.

- The citizens of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Japan and South Korea holding different kinds of passports are exempt from visa requirements and are allowed to stay for not more than 15 days.

Hope our information is of good for you, please feel free to ask us any questions at info @

Footprint team
Footprint Vietnam Travel !

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