Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 6, 2011

Domestic tourists change travel habit

More Vietnamese people took domestic tours in the first five months of the year despite the nation’s economic doldrums but their travel habit changed from last year.

A report by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism says around 17.5 million local people traveled in January-May, half a million higher than the total number recorded in the first half of last year.

Many tour operators in Ho Chi Minh City have posted growth. However, they said more local tourists were inclined to shorten their holidays, with short-haul tours of southern destinations, and budget and free & easy tours preferred.

Tran The Dung, deputy director of the Young Generation Travel Company, said the company’s turnover in the first five months was down nearly 20% though the number of its customers grew.

Many corporate customers of Vietnam travel firms tend to select road rather than air tours for their staff. “Big corporate groups have still come to us, buying yearly tours for their staff but shortening the tours and choosing automobiles as a main means of transport,” he said.

Domestic travelers served by Fiditourist in January-May were up 30% year-on-year. Due to their limited budgets, many of them opted for near destinations like Phu Quoc Island and the resort town of Phan Thiet, instead of far-away areas the central and northern regions.

“Many tourists, especially those traveling with family, just purchased some travel services. We’ve seen more guests asking for car and hotel reservation services only,” said Nguyen Ngoc An, head of the Domestic Travel Department of Fiditourist.

To cope with the new travel trend, Vietnam tour operator have launched a host of promotion tours and changed tour arrangements along with cost cutting.

Doan Thi Thanh Tra, marketing manager of Saigontourist Travel Service Co., said budget tours rose at the company in the first five months. Saigontourist has launched everyday tours, instead of focusing on those departing on weekends as in the past.

She said airlines and tourism service providers were cooperating in promotional tours for fear local people would suspend their travel plans due to rising prices.

Source: SGT

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