Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 8, 2011

Building tourism trademarks for the northwestern region

A press conference was held in Hanoi on August 3 to introduce a tourism programme in the northwestern region, with particular emphasis in Son La province, this year.

Cam Ngoc Minh, Chairman of Son La provincial People’s Committee, said he hopes that through the programme, both local and foreign visitors will learn more about the northwestern region in general and Son La province in particular.

Minh, who is also head of the organizing board, expressed his wish that investors will continue to pour further investment into the region through the programme.

The programme, the first of its kind for the northern province of Son La, aims to introduce and develop trademarks for tourism products for the region, strengthen cooperation among localities, and take full advantage of the natural landscapes, historical relics, and cultural identities of ethnic groups.

It is also expected to turn the tourism industry in the region - and in Son La in particular - into a tourism centre for the northwestern area in order to greatly contribute to the country’s socio-economic development.

The programme will last from August 27 to September 2 this year.

(Source: VOV)

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