Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 8, 2011

Bun ca Can Tho – authentic flavor of the wetlands

When visiting Can Tho City, tourists should try bun ca (noodle with fish), a typical dish of the wetlands of the Mekong Delta.

Unlike other kinds of bun ca in other delta regions or central provinces, bun ca in Can Tho City is attractive to the eye due to the purple rice noodles. The noodle is dyed by cam leaves from cam trees that grow in the delta. The trees are about 40-50cm high and have purple flowers.

The noodles are prepared in an earthen pot to keep the dish hot for diners. To contrast the purple noodles, there are yellow pieces of fish pasta and white slices of loc fish. The soup is made with pork bone stock and tastes very sweet.

The dish is served with some aromatic vegetables together with beansprouts, salad and rau dang (bitter vegetable). The sweet taste of soup, fat of fish and strange color of rice noodles in harmony with the fragrance of vegetables brings you the taste and smell of the delta.

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