Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 8, 2008

Heading for Cambodia

On the 10th we pretty much had the day to ourselves so explored the local area and markets in more detail and to our dislike discovered just what a durian fruit smells like. Take our word for it, it is not very nice. In the evening we met our new tour guide for Cambodia and a new member of our group.On the morning of the 11th we headed off in a mini bus for a long drive to Chau Doc, a border town in Vietnam. After lunch at the floating restaurant at the back of our hotel (Although I think it was only just still floating) we headed off once more on the back of motorbikes. This time we headed up the mountain to the hammock bar where we enjoyed a cold Ankor beer and took our first look over the border into Cambodia. On the way back to our hotel in the early evening Charlie had a scare when her bike, and her and her driver, were almost crushed by a bus driver not paying attention. Luckily her driver was able to get out of the way but it is a pretty safe bet that the next words Charlie heard were all Vietnamese swear words being directed from several of the bike drivers at the bus.Nevertheless, we made it safely back and the next morning jumped on a boat at the back of the hotel to travel down the Mekong and into Cambodia.

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