Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 10, 2008

Good Morning Vietnam

Our trip ends in the former capital of Vietnam, Saigon. A very busy city with millions of mopeds. Our group went for a walk and had our last supper and partyed to the wee hours of the morning. Plenty of scandal but thats for another time (Door men with batons, they take no shit).On our own now Michelle and I went out to see the Chu Chi tunnels in a small village outside the city. These tunnels spanning almost 200 Kms were used during the war to fight the americans. They were used to avoid air attacks and to set traps. I got to fire an AK47 Machine gun which was pretty cool at a reasonable $1 per bullet. The military guy with me took some photos on my camera. There is a tunnel opened to the public which i went trough in pitch blackness. It was pretty tough to get through and can't imagine how locals managed to live in there for all that time.We also stopped at the war museum were we got to see some of the machinery used during the war.

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