Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 1, 2009

Ecotravel Vietnam Tours Promotion 2009


Bach Ma Mountain is 60 km to the south of Hue city. This is home to the rare diversified animals with many limpid brooks & picturesque waterfalls, a range of unique trails for those who interested in wildlife and history…Two days trip to Bach Ma National Park offers a delightful opportunity to relax and discover the nature. Taking time to swim at Lang Co beach – one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, your tour will be perfect ! Let join this tour…

Itinarary detail:

Day 1: Hue to Bach Ma. Overnight at Camp (LD)

Leave hotel at 7.30 am then you will take an unforgettable drive upwards to Bach Ma travel center. After that you get ready for a 30 minutes walk to Bach Ma summit to take in spectacular at Bach Ma fauna and amazing butterflies. Taking a swim in the small romantic pools and fairy streams. Having a break for lunch at Five Pools. Within an hour walking, you will visit Do Quyen Waterfall - is astounding and huge in the wooded mountain. It is more than 300m high and 20-30m wide. It is amazing to watch the silver water running into the bright red of water-rail flowers. Then our trek is up back the place of camping to overnight. Enjoy the sleep in the jungle.

Day 2: Explore nature trail, Lang Co beach & back Hue (B)

Early morning, visitors will enjoy the beautiful sunrise scenery then trek to explore nature trail to see lots of Bird, Pheasants... 9am – you will leave Bach Ma National Park and go to Lang Co beach. You will have time for freeing to chill out on the beautiful, white sandy beach of Lang Co. 11am - Back to Hue, arrive Hue at noon. Tour ends at your hotel.


Hue aluoi tour - Hue aluoi tour

Leave all daily necessaries behind for a memorable moment in your life with Eco Travel Vietnam to ethnic villages and other historic spots such as " Hamburger Hill ", historic Ho Chi Minh Trail and so on. Although the time you spend on exploration is very little, what you will receive from it is extremely immense and useful. Joining this adventure, not only will you heighten your mountain climbing skill, but also acquire mountainous culture as well as historical knowledge.

Hue city tours - Hue city tours

Take time to enjoy all the beauties in Hue ! City tour by car will help you to save the time to visit and discover the beauties of Citadel, Royal tombs and handicraft villages within one day. It is convenient to you !

Itinerary detail:

Your trip starts at 8.00 am from hotel, the driver and guide will take you to the boat landing on the river to make a trip on Perfume river for visiting Thien Mu pagoda. Along the river on dragon boat you will enjoy the tranquil feeling with two sides of green banks’ river and see the daily life of local people. Next you will be transferred back Hue city centre to visit the Imperial Citadel where Nguyen Dynasty ruled between 1802 and 1945 with numerous of attractive places to see like Flag Tower, Noon Gate, Nine Dynastic Urns, Nine Holy Cannons, Thai Hoa Palace, and Forbidden Purple City. Thai Hoa Palace, . Have break for having lunch at restaurant with special dishes of Hue.

This afternoon you will continue to visit the mausoleums of Nguyen’s Kings like Tu Duc tomb, next is handicraft villages such as hat-making, bronze-casting, insence-making and last Minh Mang tomb. You are back hotel around 5.00 pm. Tour finishes at your hotel.


DMZ tour vietnam - DMZ tour vietnam

Besides the poetic and ancient beauty, Hue is more attractive to international tourists due to cultural values of minority groups. Join 2-days tour to remote rural regions, you will realize that the time you spend on there is not useless at all; on the contrary, it is certain that you will receive a hearty welcome from ethnic people and get the right respect for their habits and customs. Above of all, this tour will take you to specialized historic spots in DMZ.

Itinerary detail:

Day 1: Hue - A Luoi ~ 70km (LD)

Depart at your hotel in Hue at 7am, you will be transferred to A Luoi about 70km. Arriving A Luoi and check in Stilt house. Having a short rest, you will discover A Luoi town and daily life of Ta Oi ethnic. Besides, you will visit a well-known military site - Hamburger Hill (nickname 937 Hill) on walk. From the top of this hill, you can see the whole sight of the airport and the combat base. This will take you about 6 hours for trekking up and down. Have a picnic lunch on way. Then you return the tribe village to break and spending your night in the minority village. Have dinner with traitional dishes of ethnic people on their stilt house. At night, you will enjoy traditional music of ethnic people. Overnight in Stilt House in A Luoi.

Day 2: A Luoi - Dmz - Hue ~ 330km (BL)

You get up early in this morning to experience the activities and morning life of local people as well as enjoy the fresh air in the mountain area. Leave the village at 7 am after having breakfast in Stilt House, then go along Ho Chi Minh Trail for visiting Dakrong Bridge with via Ka Tu, Van Kieu, Paco village. This is an opportunity for you to meet more ethnic people in the highlight of Viet Nam Central. Then go around visiting the Rock pile described as 230 high-piles of rocks and Khe Sanh combat base - one of the most famous sieges of American Vietnamese War. Return to Dong Ha town to have lunch. In the afternoon, you will go on visiting Doc Mieu, Hien Luong Bridge, Museum, Ben Hai River, the 17th Parallel, Vinh Moc Tunnel and Cua Tung Beach and back to Hue about 6pm. Tour ends at your hotel.

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